Dr. Rachel Marder

Dr. Rachel Marder

Dr. Rachel Marder completed her MSc in 2010 and her PhD in 2015, both in Materials Engineering  at the Technion. Her PhD research focused on the densification mechanisms during spark plasma sintering (SPS). SPS is a novel hot-pressing technique, which uses a pulsed dc-current to heat the ceramic powder, and it has been successfully applied to fabricate fully-dense ceramics within a few minutes only.


In 2015 Rachel joined the Metal-Ceramic Interface Group, where she is working as a full time researcher. Her research includes processing and sintering of ceramics (oxides, carbides) and ceramic matrix composites, as well as microstructure characterization (SEM, TEM, X-ray analysis). Additionally, she is teaching the undergraduate course in ceramics at the Technion (since 2019).

PhD Thesis: “Densification Mechanisms and Kinetics of Ceramic Nano-Powders during Spark Plasma Sintering“.

Rachel can be contacted at Tel: 04-829-4290 or by mail at rachelma@technion.ac.il